Learning to Learn
Alongside the habits of an expert the children are taught learning to learn skills. These skills underpin what it means to be a good learner and the children are encouraged to reflect on their learning using the skills as a framework. The children are taught about the effect that learning has on the brain. Teachers share images and tell the children about what happens in different parts of the brain when they are learning. The children can talk about brain activity and understand that challenge and practice help their brains to grow. The explain that the brain is like a muscle, the more we train it the stronger it gets. We use brain science to signify what happens when mistakes in learning are made, which allows both children and teachers to share and celebrate the importance of mistakes. Children in KS1 have lessons that develop metacognitive strategies through the learning of real life skills, such as tying shoelaces or a tie. The children learn about planning, monitoring and reflecting, whilst developing self-regulation strategies to cope with unexpected challenges.