Every teacher is a teacher of every child, including those with SEND. At Banstead Infant School we believe that every child has the right to access the full curriculum and we recognise the importance of quality first teaching which takes into account the learning needs of all the children in the classroom. This includes creating an inclusive learning environment where children with special educational needs are provided with support that enables them to access the curriculum. The opportunity for all to develop skills whilst learning alongside their peers is central to our ethos. We value every child as an individual. We reject a teaching approach that relies on ability labelling and ranking. We have an expectation that every member of staff will encourage children to make choices and that at no time will a ceiling of opportunity prevent children from surprising us. We acknowledge that support should be offered within the classroom environment but recognise that there are also occasions when some children will receive support in a setting more suitable for their learning needs. We aim to work alongside other external agencies providing both emotional and practical support for parents and children whose needs require multi-agency partnerships.
So that parents are aware of the support available from our school, and through services within Surrey and GLF, we provide additional information about this in our SEND Information Report (available from our school website here). We also include a link to Surrey’s Local Offer.
We actively encourage parents to work in partnership with school to ensure that both the child and parents are central in the decision-making process in order to ensure our children have the best possible life chances.
We are aware children in care or who have previously been in care and those who have been adopted often have additional needs. We will work closely with parents and carers to ensure that staff working with the children have a thorough understanding of the effect of early trauma and attachment difficulties so that we can work together to meet their needs.
Any queries please contact our school SENCo:
Sarah Roberts
Click here to view our SEND documents